POPPY’s heroes of history

creator / writer

KIT (live/ toy)                   POPPY                        DR. PETER (Poppy’s dad)            DR. LUCY (Poppy’s mom)                UNCLE GEORGE

KIT (live/ toy) POPPY DR. PETER (Poppy’s dad) DR. LUCY (Poppy’s mom) UNCLE GEORGE



Poppy’s Heroes of History is an animated educational adventure television series intended for children 5-11 years old.

POPPY (8) wants to be a history teacher when grows up but first, she has a lot to learn!  Poppy and her fox friend, KIT, travel through a magical time portal to meet historical icons, as children, and learn about their lives. 

Poppy and Kit’s adventures with childhood versions of Sacagawea, Harriet Tubman, Ching Shih, and Nikola Tesla among others, teach her important social-emotional skills (e.g.: teamwork, courage, and kindness) while learning about the lives of historical figures.

The story of a precocious young girl seeking to understand the legacy of those who came before her – the innovators, creators, explorers, and thinkers who shaped the world of today – represents a mission to create emboldening tales of traditionally underrepresented people that honors and explores the wide spectrum of life experiences.

*** This project is currently seeking funding and producing partners. Pilot and Show Bible available upon request.***

Created and Written by Chloe Lenihan

Concept Art by Mari Carlson


FINALIST (top 50 of 1300 scripts) in the ScreenCraft Animation Screenplay Competition, 2020.
